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Women Graduates are trained with basics in Industry application from basic science Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

Training in application Software by Industry Professional, to train others with preparation as TRAINER to empower.


Women graduate are given training for the selected department in application software for 3 months to become TRAINER
While training, Trainee has to prepare Training material as per LMS, Stipend will be provided on completion of  assigned
First year to Final year Women graduate also given training for the selected department in application software, Stipend will be provided on completion of  assigned as per year. CERTIFICATE will be provided to become a TRAINER in LMS

AIM of this training is to get employment directly or indirectly from Industries, Government organization either state or central bodies. Also to develop or support rural industries & other application industries either as induvial or self group

  • Express analysis and sizing

    PASS/START-PROF performs a wide spectrum of calculations "on the fly" thereby helping piping designers to make the right decisions.

PASS/START-PROF is successfully used in many industries:

  • Power and District Heating
  • Oil and Gas
  • Process
  • Chemistry
  • Metallurgy
  • Other Industrie

An intuitive object-oriented piping model is used for easy modeling of piping systems that consists of following objects:

System Requirements

Windows 10+
x86-64 architecture processor
4GB+ of RAM
Video card with OpenGL 2.0+ support and 1GB+ of RAM
Display resolution at least 1280x1024

Smart Simulation & Sizing Tools for Every Piping and Equipment Engineer/Designer


PASS/START-PROF provides comprehensive pipe stress, flexibility, stability, and fatigue strength analysis with related sizing calculations according to international and national codes and standards. First introduced in 1965, PASS/START-PROF combines a highly efficient solver, powerful analysis features, a user friendly GUI, an intuitive 3D graphical pre/post-processor, and a detailed help system with embedded intelligence from generations of piping design experts.

Due to modern object-oriented and intuitive user interface in PASS/START-PROF engineers can start working immediately, no need to spend a time for "how to push the buttons" training. Companies can put PASS/START-PROF into application immediately after purchase, significantly reducing costs in time saved without compromising on the quality of end results. Engineers can deliver a good quality pipe stress analysis using PASS/START-PROF with minimal training and guidance.

PASS/START-PROF® –  world commercial piping stress analysis software.
PASS/START-PROF is so smart that you need just draw the piping like in 3D modeling software and push the button "run analysis". PASS/START-PROF user should think about piping design, not about node numbering, model creation, etc. PASS/START-PROF will tell you if your model has any problems and show where exactly. All checks are made automatically: stresses, support loads, expansion joint deformations, flange leakage, buckling, loads on springs in all operating modes, stresses in insulation, and stresses in flaws. Table cells with a problem are marked with a red color. All results can be presented in any coordinate system: global, local. PASS/START-PROF offers detailed pipe stress report with all equations that was used; you can check all equations manually.

Enabling new users to perform piping systems analysis of any size or complexity in days rather than months.

Process and piping engineers of more than 3,000 companies in many countries already use the software every day for stress analysis and design of different types of pipelines.

PASS/START-PROF has a smart, intuitive and friendly user interface and user's manual in English, Chinese, and Russian languages.

In PASS/START-PROF everything is simple and straightforward, since you are working with modern object model. You can compose your piping using objects like pipe, bend, tee, reducer, cap, expansion joint, restraint, valve, flange, and other like in 3D modeling software. You don't have to bother with node numbering at all; you can modify your model at any moment using copying, rotating, mirroring, node renumbering, cut, copy, paste any part of the model, add nodes, delete nodes.

To use ASME B31J in PASS/START-PROF you can just turn on the option "ASME B31J". To model buried pipelines just select that pipe is buried. No need to convert whole model using other software.

Reduces Analysis Time, Effort, and Cost

PASS/START-PROF can import piping models ready for analysis from CADWorx, SmartPlant 3D, AVEVA PDMS, AVEVA E3D, Autodesk REVIT, Bentley Autopipe, HEXAGON CAESAR II, OpenPlant, Autoplant, Smart 3D, etc. You can modify your model without any problem after import.

PASS/START-PROF is an ideal component for integration into any piping design workflow with interfaces to multiple design and analysis software tools.

PASS/START-PROF offers quick 1st hand support from developers and from experienced piping engineers in UK, China, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Egypt, Turkey and other countries. Support response speed and quality is guaranteed and can be offered on regional language. User feedback is accepted and used to improve development of PASS/START-PROF.

Broad Applicability

Pipelines that can be analyzed include piping for: process and power, gas and oil transportation, district heating piping, hot water supply, and more. Stress, flexibility, stability, and fatigue strength analysis are performed for buried, above ground, vacuum, high pressure, high temperature, and cryogenic piping. Pipelines with various types of restraints, fittings, and expansion joints can be easily evaluated. PASS/STARTPROF also offers automatic selection of constant and variable spring supports.

PASS/START-PROF can analyze a wide range of materials used in pipelines including: steel, nonferrous materials, plastic pipes and fittings, orthotropic materials such as fiberglass, reinforced plastic, glass reinforced plastics, and glass reinforced epoxy.

User Interface

PASS/START-PROF has a smart, easy and friendly user interface with user manuals in English, Chinese, and Russian languages. Fast piping modeling allows even the beginner without any special training to be able to perform pipe stress analysis.